The CSN 2022 Webinar Series are supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Glaxo Smith Kline.
Challenges & Strategies to Improve BP Measurement During COVID-Era
Dr. Laura Kuyper
Dr. Marcel Ruzicka
Nadia Khan, MD
Canadian Association of Pediatric Nephrologists Covid-19 Rapid Response Team:
Home and In-center Dialysis Recommendations
Dr. Mathieu Lemaire
Dr. Rahul Chanchlani
THE COVID-19 PANDEMICHow it turned our world upside-down and what nephrologists can learn from each other
Dr. Neil Boudville
Dr. Kevan Polkinghorne
Dr. Kate Wyburn
Dr. Mark McDonald
Dr. Peter Mount
Dr. Peter Blake
Dr. Adeera Levin
Dr. Sanjay Pandeya
CSN COVID-19 Rapid Response Team
Dr. Abdullah AlAbbas
Dr. Amrit Kirpalani
Dr. Mathieu Lemaire
Dr. Rahul Chanchlani
CSN COVID-19 Rapid Response Team
Dr. Cal Robinson
Dr. Michelle Ruhl
Dr. Mathieu Lemaire
Dr. Rahul Chanchlani
CSN COVID-19 Rapid Response Team:Paediatric Kidney Transplant
Dr. Chia Wei Teoh
Dr. Lorraine Hamiwka
Dr. Aviva Goldberg
CSN COVID-19in Hemodialysis Units
Dr. Steven Soroka
CSN COVID-19Rapid Review Program
Dr. Edward (Ted) Clark
Dr. Christine White
Dr. Swapnil Hiremath
Dr. Sarah Moran
Dr. Steven Soroka
CSN COVID-19Rapid Review Program
Dr. Deborah Zimmerman
Dr. Rita Suri
Dr. Steven Soroka
COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Dialysis Patients (and broader kidney community)Le vaccin contre la COVID-19 pour les patients en dialyse (et pour la commaunauté rénale en general)
Mr. Vince Andrews (patient)
Dr. Jeffrey Perl (Nephrologist)
Dr. Matthew Muller (Infectious Disease Physician)
COVID-19 AND YOUR RENAL DIET: What You Need to Know
Ella Hua
Christine Nash
Elizabeth Zamajski
Lauren Kapphahn
Dani Renouf
La COVID-19, la santé rénale et comment y faire face : parlez-en à votre travailleur social
Lydia Boivin
Marc-Alain Garon
Émilie Lapointe
Amélie Lapointe
Caroline Landry
COVID, Kidneys and Coping: Ask Your Social Worker
Tricia Hutton, RSW
Jody Max, RSW
Samantha Mason, RSW
La COVID 19 et les patients dialysés – Réponses à vos questions
Dr Pierre Antoine Brown
Dre Rita Suri
COVID-19 AND TRANSPLANT PATIENTSIn collaboration with the Kidney Foundation of Canada and the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program
Dr. Istvan Mucsi
Dr. Vikas Srinivasan Sridhar
Dr. Deepali Kumar
COVID-19 FOR DIALYSIS PATIENTSIn collaboration with the Kidney Foundation of Canada
Dr. Pierre Antoine Brown
Dr. Adeera Levin
Dr. Peter Blake
La COVID-19 et les patients greffés – Réponse à vos questions
Dre. Isabelle Houde
Dre. Marie-Chantal Fortin
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