The CSN 2022 Webinar Series are supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Glaxo Smith Kline.
THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC How it turned our world upside-down and what nephrologists can learn from each other
- CANADA: Understand Australia’s second wave, what was expected and unexpected with concurrent flu season
- AUSTRALIA: Understand Canadian provincial strategies and experiences from hard-hit centre(s)
CLICK HERE for webinar agenda
Dr. Neil Boudville, Moderator
ANZSN President
Dr. Sanjay Pandeya, Moderator
CSN President
Dr. Kevan Polkinghorne
Nephrologist at Monash Medical Centre
Adjunct Professor at Monash University
Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Kate Wyburn
Senior Staff Specialist Nephrologist and Director of Kidney Transplantation at The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Sydney, Australia
Mark McDonald
National Manager of Analytics and Technology
Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority (OTA)
Sydney, Australia
Dr. Peter Mount
Deputy Director of Nephrology at Austin Health
Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Peter Blake
London Health Sciences Centre
London, ON, Canada
Dr. Adeera Levin
Head, UBC Division of Nephrology
St. Paul’s Hospital
Vancouver, BC, Canada